Thursday, October 18, 2007
A wedding, a hat and a couple of boxes
The locals adorn their homes with these beautiful lights when there's a wedding in the family. So pretty, I thought.
And how is a hat connected to all of this? Well not at all, it just made the title sound funky. There is a hat though, on the boy's head. I bought this yesterday and he's not quite sure what to do with it ...
And the boxes? Well, we're finally moving!! Our timing sucks BIG time though, we're moving on Saturday .... yes, Rugby World Cup Final Day!!! We should be mostly done though by the time the game is on. This presented yet another problem, where and how will we be watching the game? Try and get our cable company to do the installation on Saturday and therefore have no problem, or disconnect and go watch elsewhere? Well, turns out the cable company is closed on Friday and Saturdays, they can do it on Sunday or Monday there. Yes, the problem is crystal clear to me too. So we decided we're leaving the tv and decoder and associated paraphernalia, we'll come back to the old house to watch the game here :) How's that for making sure we see the game!!
And how are we doing with the packing you might wanna know? Well, um, not so much, LOL!! I've packed one box with Kaydin's clothes, there's an empty one in the lounge, waiting for dvd's. The rest is in the storeroom and will be hauled out with much fanfare tomorrow on the holy Friday. We're talented that way, procrastinate is our mutual hobby. That's why, if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing in this house would ever be done! Now, just before you panic, we're only packing our personal stuff, clothes, jewelery, dvd's etc, the moving company will bring some more boxes and people and they find each other and my cabinets and they pack for us. They also dismantle the furniture and then assemble again at the new house. I get to pack the boxes out though, it's cool, then I know where everything is.
HA!!! and speaking of EWAB! Friends of ours, Chantel and Gideon took this to new heights, here we thought camping was a really cool way of avoiding the work of packing and moving, but no, they went and won tickets to the final, yes, THAT final!! Too cool and I stand in awe at the skill it took, to upstage us in such a spectacular way!! heheeee
I'm also signing off with this post. Those of you that remember the move last year will know that the new connection might take a week or a month or just a few days, it really does depend on how the forces that be feel on that particular day. So we're holding thumbs that we'll at least be able to watch tv and have our internet connection very, very soon thereafter. Inshallah ... habibi, inshallah
And last, but definitely not least, GO BOKKE!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Phlog
We had a total blast (ok, I can't shut up, so you're gonna have to pretend to be interested for a bit), arrived on Friday afternoon at about 5-ish. Set up camp, started the fire and had the best time. So peaceful and quiet. Woke up the next morning with sparrows-fart, though here it's probably camel-belch, had coffee, fed the child and then got on the bike with my new gear. It does make such a difference to ride with one's own helmet that fits perfectly :-) I took Chantel out for a practice run, had loads of fun going over little dunes. Hey, I'm so rusty it sometimes feels like I'm learning from scratch!!
Nico the lodger and his girlfriend and their friends also came with and as they're a bunch of Pommies, Gideon offered to take them on a dune ride in their hired Fortuner. Ahh, always fun to freak the people out, my boy had a great time taking them up huge dunes and then reversing back down :-) He said they made panicky noises ... :-)
We packed up by midday and were home in time for lunch. The rest of the day was rustig, followed by a super crap Bulls game and then a mildly interesting England vs. France game. I don't actually know if I have the nerves to watch the game tonight ... might need a drinkie or something for that.
Now that you've made it this far, below are the pics. Hope everybody has a super awesome stunning week.
Ok, first the Kaydin Kronicles, the first ones are from last week, when he figured out how to pull-up in the cot. He now sleeps at the very bottom of the cot.
and this one because he's gorgeous :-) and yip, that's sand around his mouth, he was having a tasty lol!
right, now the camping:
man make fire
man roasting marshmallows
Chantel & I
my boys
the family portrait
Friday, October 12, 2007
Eid Mubarak!
We are going camping, in the desert, tonight! So excited about that, to be out in the fresh air, make a fire and look at the stars, ah yes isn't that what life's all about?
I went shopping on Wednesday evening, we decided to make like the arabs for a change and go shop at night. I got a new helmet and gloves, the boots and quad bike will follow shortly, yeeeeha! watch out dunes here I come, heheee. As always I was totally amazed though at the amount of babies in the mall, really really little ones, no more than a month old. My mind boggles.
Meanwhile back in Kaydin-land. He's now cut both the front bottom toofies and I'm convinced his busy with the top front ones now. EVERY nappy is a poo nappy and he's whiney and moaney and just not a happy camper. Maybe the fresh air will do him well.
No other news at the moment... I will post photo's of the camping trip when we're back.
Monday, October 8, 2007
well, almost at least. Seems like we're looking at round about the 12th or 13th for the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid-al-Fitr. Eid, for short, which is a bit like their Christmas, when they celebrate the end of Ramadan and all returns to normal. Ok, as close to normal as this place can be.
This also means we're in for a long week-end and the return of normal shopping hours and restaurants open during daylight hours! Yes, all the restaurants and fast food outlets are closed during the day in Ramadan, don't want to put the temptation out there, now do we. Nope, we can't trust the people to not give in to the temptation either. No, you're all infidels and we won't open them for you either. I do wonder if they'll keep on doing this during Ramadan for the foreseeable future? Why is it, that when you can't go for cheesecake and coffee at Mugg & Bean, that's the only thing you wanna do?
It's looking like we might be moving on the weekend of the 20th. The dude from the moving company was here tonight and he said he can move us in one day, you'll hear happy shouts of "hamdulla" reverberating all over the world when that happens!!
And what is on our list of things to do before the move?
Pack personal stuff - Ja, eventually
Pack PC stuff - uh-hu, will do
Pack jewelery and CD's and all valuables, before the movers are here - yip, will do that too
Go camping on the weekend before the big move - now that's the PERFECT thing to do!! lol, yes, we're going camping!! mad, I know. This is also known as EWAB - extreme work avoidance behaviour.
No news on the cheque yet ...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
chocolates aren't sweets ...
Shams - Mr. Gideon happy with Shams?
Mr. Gideon - Yes, Shams, Mr, Gideon happy with Shams.
Shams - Mr. Gideon bring Shams sweets on Saturday?
Mr. Gideon - Yes Shams, I'll bring you some sweets
The sweetie thing isn't unusual here, everybody always brings, wants or gives sweets. On any occasion from birthdays, obtaining a drivers license to the rising of the full moon, really anything is a good enough excuse. So keeping this in mind, Gideon really didn't think twice about the sweets request from Shams. However, he did, for a moment forget how conniving and sneaky the dude is ... I don't call him a delinquent for nothing.
Thinking nothing more of it, Mr. Gideon postpones the sweetie-meeting till this afternoon and just before he leaves the office, casually mentions to the guys that he now has to do this, before he can go home. One of them asked Gideon if he knows what Shams meant, Gideon, genuinely surprised said, no, what? It appears that sweets are the slang word for money. Right, enter vindictive Gideon. He goes to the co-op society close to work, which is like a supermarket, but caters much more to the locals, with delicacies such as goat steak on offer, but I digress. He buys a nice big fantastically grotesque basket of sweets and drives to the meeting place with Shams. Pretending to be really, really, really stupid, he then gives the sweets to Shams, who was appropriately gob-smacked at this basket with actual chocolates. Noticing his horror and disappointment, Gideon asked him what's the matter, he says no, he meant money. Well, that was Gideon, threw his toys out the car and the cot and over the quad bike and shat all over Shams, telling him exactly what he can do with his money and his chocolates.
And that's why chocolates aren't sweets.
No worries that this will affect the next chapter in this very long story though, the one where we wait for the cheque to be issued. We're hoping for a minimum of 10 days. There are SEVEN (7) people that have to sign just the requisition ... And then Mr. Al Jaber himself signs the actual cheque ... We're the eternal optimists.
It looks like the process has been streamlined somewhat, as it now only takes approximately six days to get the cheque, as per some people at Gids's office who reported this most fortunate news! Ah, inshalla ...
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Two years ago ...
I mean really. That's the kind of thing explorers to Papa New Guinea does!! Ok, they'll have tents and a camera crew from National Geographic documenting their every move and get paid loads of money. I can see where we went wrong.
This then is probably as good a time as any to show you the reason for us being here. Introducing, Between the Bridges, now almost complete and most of the guys Gideon worked with here will soon move on to even bigger projects all over the emirate of Abu Dhabi.