Thursday, October 18, 2007

A wedding, a hat and a couple of boxes

The wedding would be the neighbours across the road from us. And how do I know that there's a wedding you ask, this is how:

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The locals adorn their homes with these beautiful lights when there's a wedding in the family. So pretty, I thought.

And how is a hat connected to all of this? Well not at all, it just made the title sound funky. There is a hat though, on the boy's head. I bought this yesterday and he's not quite sure what to do with it ...

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And the boxes? Well, we're finally moving!! Our timing sucks BIG time though, we're moving on Saturday .... yes, Rugby World Cup Final Day!!! We should be mostly done though by the time the game is on. This presented yet another problem, where and how will we be watching the game? Try and get our cable company to do the installation on Saturday and therefore have no problem, or disconnect and go watch elsewhere? Well, turns out the cable company is closed on Friday and Saturdays, they can do it on Sunday or Monday there. Yes, the problem is crystal clear to me too. So we decided we're leaving the tv and decoder and associated paraphernalia, we'll come back to the old house to watch the game here :) How's that for making sure we see the game!!

And how are we doing with the packing you might wanna know? Well, um, not so much, LOL!! I've packed one box with Kaydin's clothes, there's an empty one in the lounge, waiting for dvd's. The rest is in the storeroom and will be hauled out with much fanfare tomorrow on the holy Friday. We're talented that way, procrastinate is our mutual hobby. That's why, if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing in this house would ever be done! Now, just before you panic, we're only packing our personal stuff, clothes, jewelery, dvd's etc, the moving company will bring some more boxes and people and they find each other and my cabinets and they pack for us. They also dismantle the furniture and then assemble again at the new house. I get to pack the boxes out though, it's cool, then I know where everything is.

HA!!! and speaking of EWAB! Friends of ours, Chantel and Gideon took this to new heights, here we thought camping was a really cool way of avoiding the work of packing and moving, but no, they went and won tickets to the final, yes, THAT final!! Too cool and I stand in awe at the skill it took, to upstage us in such a spectacular way!! heheeee

I'm also signing off with this post. Those of you that remember the move last year will know that the new connection might take a week or a month or just a few days, it really does depend on how the forces that be feel on that particular day. So we're holding thumbs that we'll at least be able to watch tv and have our internet connection very, very soon thereafter. Inshallah ... habibi, inshallah

And last, but definitely not least, GO BOKKE!!!!!!!!


Sonia said...

Oh hugs Maz you must be exhausted!!! Hope all is going well and PMSL at the trouble you went to to watch a Rugby game. Hope you are back online soon, I'm really missing you :-(

I love your photos, gee he is TOO GORGEOUS!!!

OK got to run, hurry up and get back online I'm having Maz withdrawal symptoms *lol*

Anonymous said...

LOL Agree with Sons - HURRY UP AND GET BACK ONLINE woman! :D

Hope everything is going ok. Take care and a bit squishy to your chubbalumps.

Alpha & Omega said...

Hey there M...
Hey there Gids...
Hey there Kaydin...
Hey there puppies....

We miss you all so so so so so so so much!!!

The photo's are beautiful!!

We are growing increasingly concerned about all the hearts this little boy is going to break one day!

Be safe & we can't wait to chat to you again soon!!

Lotsa Love, Hugs & Kisses
Bea & Wimpie

Fuzzy said...

HHMMM i see our fav blogger has gone awol

MAZZZZZZZz MAzzzzzzzzzz where are you MAZZZZZZZZZZZZZz

Where is our mazzie
missing you lots like jelly tots

Kim B said...

Hey girl-
Thanks for the 'nice' comment- ROTFLMAO- feeling much better today- still a little goofie but hell I suppose that's normal too- wAHAHAHAHAHA-
Grab the blinkie doll- I made it from the 'proudly SA badge'-
Chat soon

Anonymous said...

Good post.