whhooooopi kaaayyyyyeeeeah!
right, get coffee or your beverage of choice, this might just turn into a long post :-)
moving ...
You wouldn't think that this could be a whole topic on it's own. Then again, maybe you would. So the big day arrived and the packers and the boxes found each other, sometimes more successfully than other times and it took them three trips to get everything at the new house.
Way before that happy moment though we had a couple of incidents, don't we always? At about lunch time they all trooped out of the door with a friendly wave and said bye-bye, going for lunch back in a bit. No problem we say, thankful for the breather. Until we noticed that they went for lunch using the moving truck as their means of transport, which in itself is not a problem. When you realise however, that they left for lunch in the moving truck which is halfway packed with your boxes and furniture, it becomes slightly concerning ... Gideon made a moderately frantic phone call to the manager who ensured him the people and the truck and our belongings will all return. Very well said Gideon, but we don't know what they've packed in there and we must find just one little screw missing when we unpack and there will be some serious uncomfortable moments for certain people that are supposed to be in charge. The manager person ensured Gideon that we really shouldn't panic. Sure enough, about an hour later half of the troops returned. I noticed they were back and waited with great anticipation for them to start packing the rest of the house. I waited some more and a little bit more and by 20 minutes later with absolutely no activity went looking for them. Here they were calmly sitting on the front stoep, playing with cell phones, talking and joking and generally having a merry good time. When I asked why in the [bleep] were they not packing I got some incoherent answer in stupid-English. I asked again, this time also using stupid-English, hoping that my question will be understood ... hhmmmm, not so much but after much frustration and hand signals I managed to understand. They were waiting for their colleagues to return and the lunch hour wasn't over yet. My response was something to the effect of: "Then why in allah's name do you bother to return before the time and confuse the madam entirely?" Keeping in mind that I was by this time in no mood for any excuse whatsoever and was generally just a smidgen irritated. I did manage to not [bleep] them. They eventually got their asses into gear and continued the work.
When it was finally time for me to go to the new house with Kaydin and our assorted paraphernalia, Gideon very kindly called with a warning. The people that were supposed to have moved out of the majilis and the maids room, haven't. We were moving into an occupied house ... ! That was almost the last straw, in tears, exhausted from a very long day and totally not amused, I arrived here and Gideon was not kidding, not even a little bit! The dude's stuff was all over the place! The majilis, the kitchen, the stoep and the maids room, his stuff was everywhere! At least Gideon and Gideon moved it out of the room and onto the stoep so that we could move our furniture in. As you can imagine, It was just a little bit chaotic.
I spent the rest of the week cleaning the kitchen and unpacking boxes. We're almost completely settled just a few more things like curtains and pictures to sort out.
Oh, and we watched the rugby final at the new house! Some seriously nice people over at showtime came to install the dish through all the chaos of the move and that night, Gids and I parked our very tired bodies on the couches, we placed the cooler box with the beers for Gideon and wine for me in between us and we didn't move. I thought we were quite organised :-)
the news in pictures ...
There are a couple of people here that want to convince me that I really should take photo's professionally. They even paid me money to take photo's of their kids and to make it into Christmas cards! The mind boggles but does not complain :-) Here are a couple of samples:
Thanks for the opportunity ladies and for putting your trust in me :-)
the kaydin kronikles
the K-man is crawling like a champ and standing up against everything and everyone. We still only have 7 teeth though the grumpy-level indicates that we might have more on the way. I was convinced I saw the eye-teeth the other day, but nope not yet. Here then some eye-candy. Promise to post more soon.
early morning:
helping daddy wash the car
HA! found the exhaust pipe:
and then he had to get shoes because by now he scraped some skin off his little toe :-)) Gia, do they look familiar? :))
Right, that's it for now. Promise I won't make you wait so long before I post again :-))
much love to all
Super glad you are back Maz!! (((HUGS))) Missed you terribly! Love your blog :-) Absolutely must have my K-man fix! Sorry about the drama of moving, but at least it's over now!
Well Maz I for one would happily sit with a coffee every morning and read a story like this every single day..I so love your way of writing and of course the photo's complete it...you make me feel as if I'm there with you!
As Kat has already said thank goodness the move is over now and you did get to see the Rugby!!
Whatever happens in the future Maz please make sure that you don't go anywhere without having an Internet connection already there and working...I and many others I know so missed you..good to have you back,
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