Thursday, February 14, 2008

it was a secret ...

I've had this post saved in drafts for a while now, I couldn't post about the holiday 'cause some people that read this were on the receiving end of a surprise visit from me, LOL!!!

So, Gids has got STRICT instructions on how to publish this, AFTER the 11th of February, as by then, both girls will know that I'm in SA. Ooooohhhhh Giggles!!!!

My mom and I had such a relaxing time, went to the shops when we felt like it, mostly we just stayed at home.

I really wanted to take my mom camping and we thought this past weekend the perfect time, as it was Gideon's off Saturday, which meant that we could leave Friday arvie, sleep over and come back Saturday round about lunch time. Or so we thought, on Wednesday Gideon said he heard on the radio something about and impending sandstorm, we checked on the local paper's web site and sure enough, high winds, low temperatures and a specific note that any outdoor activities would be highly unpleasant. We decided to not tempt mother nature and decided not to go, a bit disappointing none the less. However, we were not going to miss anything so decided to drive to the beach, to get a look at the rough seas and high winds ... The wind was unpleasant enough, but you have to giggle at the high seas, though in fairness, this really is quite rough by UAE standards, it usually looks like a dam:



The K-man off course had a blast:







and for some bizarre reason his daddy wouldn't let him crawl right into the ocean LOL!!! (ok, it's a good reason, I didn't pack any dry clothes, K-man doesn't actually care or understand, LOL!!)




And then my mom spotted the Dude, off course Gideon had to rescue him, we're not sure if he made it back into the ocean safely, but hey, we tried:



So, in the next week we'll go do some last minute shopping, I seriously don't understand why we do this, leave stuff to the last minute that is. And by the time Gideon publishes this for me, the K-man and I will be in sunny Pretoria :-). It's going to be a busy holiday, we're in Gauteng for about a week, then off to Plett to visit my in-laws, then to Cape Town to visit Genevieve & Sheldon and meet up with some online friends and then back to Pretoria for the last week ... I may not do this again soon, I get exhausted just reading it! LOL!!!

So, while typing this, the wind is still blowing a week later and it's still flippen COLD, by UAE standards. I'm all packed and ready to go. The pressies are wrapped, the tickets and passports are ready, so to those of you in SA that I'll be seeing - I CAN'T wait and am SO looking forward to seeing everybody!!

A quick funny: As you know by now, we share the house with another couple and because we share the kitchen as well, we're on a rotating schedule as far as dinner is concerned. Which means that I only have to worry about dinner every second night, it's just marvelous let me tell you. Not so much for Gids though, now that I'll be gone. So, the other night while we were chatting, he asked me, a little desperately: "what will I feed the people"? I'm slightly amused by the comment as the other people are two adults!! I replied, well, you know how to cook, you've seen me in the kitchen ... he says, (slightly more panicky by now), ja, but I don't actually KNOW how to make pasta or rice or mac and cheese .... I just giggled and said well, when it's your turn, phone me and i'll give you the recipe and instructions :ROTFL ... so I told the other lady of the house the story .... she agreed to let him suffer for a few nights ... Very Happy Very Happy aaahhhh, it's GOOD to let them be on their own for a little sometimes Very Happy Very Happy I'm still hugely amused.

So, here I am, on the eve of leaving for home, totally excited and yet a little sad, I'm going to miss the non-chef so much, I'm going to miss not having him around to help and I'm sad that he's going to miss a whole month out of Kaydin's life ... I am also however tremendously excited about seeing everybody, about the totally cool surprise I planned for Bea and Gia-Michelle, about going to Grabouw and spending copious special days with G and Shelly. About being able to spend precious time with the other Ouma and Oupa, so that they can also have some K-man time .... Hugely excited about seeing my sisters, giddy in fact LOL!!!

So, to all of you that we'll be seeing soon - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darling Gideon - I love you more than I can possibly ever say. I'm so thankful and so very grateful. Thanks my love, for this holiday, we'll miss you so very much and we'll speak to you as often as possible ... remember to call about that mac and cheese recipe, hey? Very Happy


Scraps of Bev said...

Oh Maz you make me smile, have tears and laugh all in the space of the few minutes it takes me to read your 'story'...

I know you're safe and sound now in SA and having a fantastic time and when you get back home there will be more stories to post for us..

Keep enjoying yourself, stay safe the both of you and I'll see you soon.

love & hugs

Alpha & Omega said...

And excited I was...

I'm still having to blink occassionally just to prove to myself that my beautiful friend is ACTUALLY sitting on my couch!

Kaydin, on the other hand, has made his presence UNDENIABLE - so no blinking required here! :-)

Stephanie (aka Steph-fa-fa) & Melanie (aka Mel), our 2 x dachshund-children, are thoroughly enjoying the "crawling human" - eventhough it has taken some adjustment... I am however quite content with this transitional phase, as they need to get used to it anyway!! (hint, hint, nudge, nudge)

Wimpie has managed, in one foul swoop, to cement my broodieness - he is prooving to be quite the natural parent!

And in closing:
Thank you for my surprise - it is still overwhelming.

I am LOVING HAVING YOU BOTH AROUND!!! You can stay for ever and ever - really!!

Thank you for being you - I could not have asked for anything better!!

Lots of love, Bea

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, i have not phoned once to ask for a recipe. I must be honest though, we had Kentucky once and tonight was home made burgers.

To Marianne, i love you and Kaydin more than anything in the world. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I can not wait for you to return. I really hope you have an awesome time in SA.

Lisbet said...

LOvely photos