Sunday, January 6, 2008

here's to the new year

May it be blessed and exceed all our expectations. We had a rather quiet braai with friends on new years eve.

New years day brought with it some awesome weather and I hauled out the K-man's new water toy, he had fun Open-mouthed the thing that kept him amused no end was the little fountain, he kept on pushing his face into it, too funny.



We subsequently had the best impromptu weekend away. More later, I'm still processing the pictures Open-mouthed

1 comment:

Scraps of Bev said...

Oh dear well there's always next year Maz...

As for youngster and his love of water I have to say having been born in such a hot country it's quite understandable that he will find water so refreshing and interesting..bless him as he grows up and you take him to other countries you might have to explain why some of us aren't as keen on water as he is!!